Welcome to Pathway Partners Mentor Resource Page!

  • Principles to keep in mind when working with young people:

    • Remember-- "aim low, go slow, think small and celebrate success"
    • Teach cognitive slogans...."first things first"  "one day at a time"  "easy does it"
    • Be the holder of a sense of hope.
    • Celebrate small successes.
    • Take the lead and persist even when the student appears disinterested. 
    • Softly challenge inappropriate behavior and negative attitudes.
    • Focus on the young person's strengths. 
    • Be a partner with your young person's family. 
    • Help them take a personal look at their behavior as it affects others.
    • Remember as a mentor-- you are not responsible for others, you cannot control another person's behaviors, feelings, or decisions.
    • You are your student's connector.  You connect to this student through unconditional acceptance.  There are no strings attached.
    • You are another positive role model who works together with parents/guardians, teachers, resource counselors, and the Pathway Partners director in the best interest of your student mentee.