• Welcome, Food and Nutrition

  • Nutrition plays a key role in student success. You often hear that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which is true. A well balanced breakfast has the power to improve grades, increase concentration, and maintain a healthy weight. We ensure that all of our meals are nutritionally balanced so every student can focus their attention on what is important… learning in the classroom.

  • Menus Breakfast and Lunch Image Link Free & Reduced Info Image Link Payments & Purchases Image Link School Wellness Image Link School Nutrition Policy Image Link Nutritional and Special Dietary Needs Image Link USDA Non-discrimination statement image link 

  • How do I Register?

    1. Go to schools.mealviewer.com or download the mobile app and register for your free account.
    2. Create profiles for you and your students and add their schools to view daily menus.
    3. Add allergens to your student's profiles to receive custom alerts. Favorite and rate different meal items so students can know when their favorite meal is being served.