- School District of Marshfield
- Career Pathways
Career and Technical Education
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Career Pathways
Deciding on a career pathway can help you prepare for your future. The intent is not for you to decide on a specific occupation for the rest of your life, but to select a career pathway into which you can begin directing your energies. Identifying a career pathway can help you in selecting school courses, activities, and part-time employment. When you decide on a career pathway, you should discuss it with your counselor. A career pathway choice is not a permanent commitment, but rather a way to focus your career development. Career pathways are for ALL students!
The 16 Career Clusters provide a context for learning the skills specific to a career, and provide a structure for organizing curriculum offerings and focusing coursework with a common theme such as an interest. Career Clusters:
provide a framework for continuing contemporary, high-quality programs of college and career preparation;
provide a framework for seamless education from high school through post-secondary;
provide more career and educational options for students;
provide a framework for organizing the delivery of career and technical education and needed 21st century skills;
provide understanding of knowledge and skill transfer as well as verification of qualification.
The 79 Career Pathways breakdown the 16 Career Clusters into career groupings with shared knowledge, skills, and dispositions required to be successful in careers within the pathway. They are the core of workforce and economic development in Wisconsin. Career Pathways:
promote the connection between education and workforce/economic development;
offer a seamless transition from high school to career or occupation preparation;
focus on high skill, high demand, and high wage careers;
provide a plan for attainment of a technical skill proficiency, and a degree/credential.
A Program of Study is a specific career pathway, defined by a local school/district partnership, which is a sequence of instruction based on recommended standards and knowledge and skills, consisting of coursework, co-curricular activities, worksite learning, service learning and other learning experiences. The sequence of instruction provides preparation for a career.
Visit Academic and Career Planning (ACP) for more information on Career Planning.