- School District of Marshfield
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Important Dates & Upcoming Events
Important dates!
December Dates
12/12/24 Grade 1 & 2 1:45 Concert in Gym
12/17/24 Vision testing Grades K,2,4&6 Gym
12/20/24 Holiday dance in Gym
12/23-01/1 Winter break
January Dates
1/2/25 Classes Resume
1/17/25 end of quarter 2
1/20/25 No school for students Professional staff work day
1/23/25 report cards released
1/30/25 Grade 6 to School Forest 8:00 am-2:00 pm
Below are the payment options if you need to pay for any fees due.
Payments can be paid on-line in Skyward family access by going to:
Food service payments can also be paid in skyward family access.
School News & Reminders
Principal Welcome
Welcome to Washington Elementary School!
Washington is the perfect place to learn and grow! Whether you are returning or new, I know that you will thrive here. We have a dedicated staff and a strong school community that is committed to engaging all students in a high-quality education. We are proud to offer a wide range of opportunities for all of our students to succeed not only academically but as a person of good character and as a civic minded community member. We integrate technology as a tool to foster Personalized Learning to create a variety of ways for learners to show what they know and to give them additional tools to explore new skills and concepts. Each student has an iPad in addition to other technology options for learning.
Together our Washington School community will work hard to continue the legacy of academic success and ensure each student’s educational experience is positive as well as addressing their social and emotional safety. In addition to our high academic expectations, we also cultivate a strong work ethic, imagination, creativity, and positive social skills through our district’s PBIS Program (Positive Behavior Intervention Support). We refer to these attributes as the "Washington Be-Attitudes." These are: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe.
All school and classroom expectations are aligned with these important attributes, so students know that this is a safe and caring school. Each month we honor a student at each grade level with the "George Award" for courage, good character and service to others. It is named after our first president to acknowledge that he developed these attributes as a young person, just like our students.
At Washington, the staff and I are excited to work with families and encourage all parents to become an active participant in their child's education. Additionally, I encourage parents to become an active member of the Washington Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). The calendar in the monthly newsletter has the dates and times of the PTO meetings. You can also join and watch for updates on the Washington School PTO group on Facebook page.
I am confident that this will be a POSITIVE & PRODUCTIVE school year!
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Jenna Dolezal, Principal, Washington Elementary School
Phone: 715.387.1238
Email: Click Here
Lori Immerfall, Building Secretary
Phone: 715.387.1238 x6600
Email: Click Here