- School District of Marshfield
- Clubs & Organizations
- Language, Culture, & Lifestyle
Genders & Sexualities Alliance
Meeting times/location: Roughly every other Wednesday or Thursday after school in rm 2
Annual Club Fee: $0
Mission Statement: To promote acceptance in the Marshfield Community, by clarifying misconceptions about the LGBTQS+ community, promoting knowledge of sexualities and gender-identities other than LGBT. We want to support one another and spread awareness of issues related to our cause.
Rules: Follow all rules as outlined in the MHS Activities Handbook.
- To provide for an maintain at all time the safety of students
- Student participate are expected to meet the expectation for school behavior as described in the MHS Student Handbook and Board of Education Policies.
- Conduct degrading to the school or unbecoming of an athlete/student representing the School District of Marshfield is prohibited.
Yearly Events: Vary year to year, yearly bake sale in December
Postions Held/Length of Position:
Vice President
Social Media Coordinator