- School District of Marshfield
- Advanced Placement
AP Exam Information
Greetings Tiger Families!
We are pleased to announce that the 2025 AP Exam Registration starts January 27, 2025!
Please follow the following THREE (3) steps to ensure your student is set up to take the AP Exam(s) they want/need in May 2025:
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Students must have an online account with College Board. Once your student has an online account, students will log in to their myap.website and join each AP Class using the join code supplied by their teachers. Parents should verify with their students that they have joined AP Classroom. If a student has NOT joined AP Classroom, then NO AP Exam can be ordered. Students may visit the College Board website to either create their account for the first time or login using their existing account. Please note, if you try to log in into your College Board account and are locked out because of trying to log in too many times, the student must call the College Board at 1-888-225-5427.
Complete the MHS online AP exam registration form by clicking the link posted on the website AP Page. This form allows students to register for multiple exams at once – there is no need to submit a form for each exam if more than one is ordered.
Pay AP exams fees online using RevTrak. The link to access RevTrak is located on the AP exam registration form after the form is submitted (the link will also be available on the AP Page).
→ RevTrak on-line payment system link ←
If you are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, exam fees can be waived (pending confirmation of eligibility). Please know you have to apply/re-apply for the lunch program each school year. If you are eligible for free or reduced lunch and you order an exam late or cancel an exam, there is a $40 per exam charge (this cannot be waived).
The registration and ordering window CLOSES, February 21, 2025, for ALL courses.
If you have questions or concerns with exam registration and/or ordering, please reach out to Mrs. Cepress, AP Coordinator, at cepressj@marshfieldschools.org or calling 715-387-8464. Thank you
AP Exam Scores
You can send one score report for free every year that you take AP Exams. The deadline for choosing the college, university, or scholarship program that you want to send your 2024 AP scores to for free is June 20. Here’s how:
- Sign in to My AP using your College Board username and password.
- Go to My AP Profile and select the Score Send tab.
- Type in the name of your college or university. When it appears on the list, select it and hit Save.
Good to Know
- Are you heading to college in the fall? Using your free score send is the best way to make sure your college gets your AP scores in time to award you credit and/or placement.
- Are you a high school junior, sophomore, or freshman? Selecting a college to send your scores to with your one free score send can help you stand out to that college by showing them your interest early.
- Score reports include both this year's and past AP Exam scores.
An AP score report should include all the scores a student has taken during their high school career. If any scores are not on the report, there is a problem with the student’s account and the student will need to contact the College Board at (888) 225-5427 to inform them that scores are missing.
It is very important that you send an official score report to the college where you plan to attend so that the college can evaluate for credit transferability. Also, UW Help has a resource that allows you to review the AP credit granting policy of every college in the UW System.
Want to know what date you can see your AP scores or how AP exams are scored? Click here for more information from College Board.
Preparing for AP Exams: A Quick Guide for Students and Parents
Students may take an AP Exam in May 2025 to have the possibility of earning college credit. AP exams are scheduled for the weeks of May 5th and May 12th. Alternate testing will occur from May 19th through May 23rd for students who have approved conflicts. AP students and parents need to know several things, in addition to having a few tasks to do this fall to be prepared for AP classes and exams. Do not worry, this should take less than 10 minutes!
First, you need to have a College Board Account. Some students may already have an account. Your same College Board account login is used for PSAT, SAT and AP, so if you have ever created an account for one of these or created an AP account last school year, you have it done. Please DO NOT create a second account. If you do, it could prevent your SAT scores and/or AP scores from going to the correct college. You can create an account or verify that you have an account at www.collegeboard.org . Here are some helpful hints for setting up your account or verifying the information if you already have an account:- Make sure it is the student’s name that is on the account! You do not want a parent’s name on your AP or SAT scores when you apply to college.
- The students must have their own email address associated with their account. We recommend that you do NOT use your MHS email address. Also, do not use a parent’s email address. If you already created an account using one of these unadvised emails, please go to your profile and correct this.
- If you have problems accessing your account, please contact the College Board at 888-225-5427. High Schools are not linked to the accounts, so we cannot help with login issues.
- Please put your College Board login somewhere safe and where you can find it easily. This may be in your phone – in the notes or a photo of the username and password. You will use this multiple times in high school, so you will want to remember it.
AP Exam Fees
Each exam is $99, and AP exam fee(s) for year-long and or semester-one only AP classes are due by October 25th. ALL FEES MUST BE PAID IN FULL. The on-line order form will be available for families to register and pay for exams starting September 16, 2024. We will utilize RevTrak once again to submit exam payments; families qualifying for free/reduced price lunch can have their AP exam fees waived once status has been confirmed.
AP Exam Registration
AP exam registration will once again be a three-step process as follows:
Step 1: Students must have a College Board account and must have joined the AP classroom for each of their AP classes using the join code provided by their AP Teacher at MHS.
Step 2: Complete the MHS online AP exam order form by October 25th for any year-long, self-study or first semester only AP classes/exam. This form will be available on Marshfield High School’s AP website in the Fall.
Step 3: Pay AP exam fee by due date. Options for paying are online using RevTrak, pay by check to the HS office or pay by cash to the HS office. -
Late and Cancellation Fees
AP Exams for year-long courses, AP self-study or AP classes taken only in the first semester are ordered in October, with a change deadline of October 25th. AP Exams for classes that start in 2nd semester will be ordered in February, with a change deadline of March 3rd. If anyone decides to order an exam after those dates, there is a $40 fee in addition to the regular exam fee. No exams can be ordered after March 3, 2025. Should a student not take the exam for any reason after the March 3rd date, parents/students are responsible for a $40 unused/cancelation fee.
Some frequently asked questions about AP Exam Scores…
Have you checked your AP scores?
The College Board reports AP scores exclusively online. Students must log in to their AP account and enter the proper identifying information to view their scores. Students who want to check their scores may do so at https://apscore.collegeboard.org/scores. Once students can view their scores, their score report should list ALL the AP scores they have earned during their high school career. If a score report does not show all the scores, it is likely that there is a problem with the student’s identifying information that has prevented all the scores from being consolidated. Students having either account or score problems must call 888-225-5427 to speak with a College Board representative.
How much credit will you receive from a college for your AP scores?
Each college has its own unique policy for accepting AP credits. If you have AP scores, it is a good strategy to review the AP policies for the colleges you are interested in. These can vary by each school. The amount of credit you can receive from your AP scores may be a crucial factor in the college selection process. You can generally find a college’s AP credit policy on each college’s website, or you could contact the admissions office and request a copy be mailed to you. The University of Wisconsin HELP website https://uwhelp.wisconsin.edu/prep-for-college/credits/ provides this information for public universities in Wisconsin. Also, college AP credit policy information can be viewed on the College Board website https://apstudent.collegeboard.org/creditandplacement/search-credit-policies. Many technical colleges also grant credit for AP test scores. Contact an admission official at the technical college you are interested in to find out which exams might give you credit. Remember, even if you will not receive credit for your scores, your participation in the rigor of an AP class or classes will help you in the college admissions process. College success research clearly shows that your participation in an AP class will also improve your chances of success in college. -
Please let me know if you have any questions regarding AP Exam Registration and Ordering
Mrs. Jackie Cepress, AP Coordinator
cepressj@marshfieldschools.org -
Download the AP Newsletter Here
2024-2025 Marshfield High School Advanced Placement Newsletter PDF
Monday, May 5, 2025
Morning (8 AM)
- Biology
Afternoon (12 PM)
- European History
- Microeconomics
Tuesday, May 6, 2025
Morning (8 AM)
- Chemistry
- Human Geography
Afternoon (12 PM)
- United States Government and Politics
Wednesday, May 7, 2025
Morning (8 AM)
- English Literature and Composition
Afternoon (12 PM)
- Comparative Government and Politics
- Computer Science A
Thursday, May 8, 2025
Morning (8 AM)
- Statistics
Afternoon (12 PM)
- World History: Modern
Friday, May 9, 2025
Morning (8 AM)
- United States History
Afternoon (12 PM)
- Macroeconomics
*** Art and Design: Friday May 9, 2025 is the deadline for AP Art and Design students to submit their three portfolio components as final in the AP Digital Portfolio
Monday, May 12, 2025
Morning (8 AM)
- Calculus AB
- Calculus BC
Afternoon (12 PM)
Tuesday, May 13, 2025
Morning (8 AM)
- French Language and Culture
- Precalculus
Afternoon (12 PM)
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Science
Wednesday, May 14, 2025
Morning (8 AM)
- English Language and Composition
Afternoon (12 PM)
- Physics C: Mechanics
Thursday, May 15, 2025
Morning (8 AM)
- Art History
Afternoon (12 PM)
- Computer Science Principals
Friday, May 16, 2025
Morning (8 AM)
- Physics 1: Algebra-Based
Afternoon (12 PM)
- Psychology
**AP Computer Science Principles: April 30, 2025 is the deadline for AP Computer Science Principles students to submit their Create performance task as final
Advanced Placement Overview
Marshfield High School offers 31 Advanced Placement (AP) courses.
Please see the course catalog for more information. The course catalog is found on the High School website.
Recommended number of AP classes for post-high school options.Why enroll in an AP Course?
- College Completion
- AP students are more likely to complete their degree promptly and not have a 5th year of college.
- Admissions Benefit
- 85% of selective colleges and universities have reported that a student's AP experience favorable impacts admission decisions.
- College Savings
- In 2020, students across the United States earned 2,932,042 AP scores of 3 or higher, translating into potential cost savings of $3.1 billion.
- How are you planning to pay for college?
- College GPA
- Students who take five college level courses have the best first year college GPA.
Full research report can be viewed here.
- College Completion
Marshfield HS AP Program
What are my AP credits worth?
Transfer of AP Credits
The following websites will allow you to view any university and/or college transferability of AP Exam scores:
AP Excellence in Instruction
The AP Leadership Team selects two AP Teachers to recognize for their extraordinary efforts. Recognized teachers are below.
Mrs. Peters and Mr. Glodowski 2020 AP Excellence in Instruction Award recipients!
Ms. Fassler and Mr. Treankler 2019 AP Excellence in Instruction Award recipients!
Mrs. Dargenio and Mr. Reierson 2018 AP Excellence in Instruction Award recipients! -
AP Scholars Award Ceremony
This year's AP Scholars Award Ceremony was held on Thursday, January 4, 2024, in the auditorium at the High School.
AP First Time Scholars
1st Time National Scholars
AP Courses Offered
- AP Art 2-D
- AP Art 3-D
- AP Drawing
- AP Art History
- AP Computer Science A
- AP Computer Science Principles
- AP Human Geography/Globalization
- AP English Language & Composition
- AP English Literature & Composition
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- AP PreCalculus
- AP Statistics
- AP Music Theory
- AP Chemistry
- AP Biology
- AP Environmental Science
- AP Physics 1
- AP Physics 2
- AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism
- AP Physics C: Mechanics
- AP History of American Government & Politics
- AP US History
- AP European History
- AP World History
- AP Psychology
- AP Comparative Government
- AP Economics
- AP French Language & Composition
- AP Spanish
- AP German (Online Only)
Other Resources
AP Leadership Team Members
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |

- Jackie Cepress

- Dan Dargenio

- Jamie Defelice