- School District of Marshfield
- Summer School
Summer School Current Information
Attendance and Summer School Questions: Contact Mr. Defelice at 715-387-8464 ext. 4611
Summer School Information
Summer School Course Offerings
Tentative Course Offerings for the 2025 Summer School Program
(Students Register via “Arena Scheduling” on Skyward)- Computer Applications (H)- (Period 1)
- Consumer & Personal Finance (Online)
- Crime, Justice, Law (Online)
- English (credit recovery) (Periods 1 and 2)
- Fit for Life (Periods 1 and 2)
- French Thru Film R (Period 2)
- Healthy Choices (Periods 1 and 2)
- Psychology R (Online)
- Sports Challenge- Team (Period 1 and 2)
- Tailor Made Math for Grades (Period 1 and 2)
- Tigers on the Prowl- Life Skills (non-credited course) (Period 1)
- Tigers on the Prowl- Social Skills (non-credited course) (Period 2)
- Vex Robotics (Period 1)
Additional Educational Experiences for the 2025 Summer School Program
(Online Registration (form) will be sent via Canvas/Skyward Messenger)- Driver's Education (Period 1 and 2)
- Band
- Orchestra
- Strength and Conditioning (registration will be late spring)
2025 Timeline and General Overview
Monday, June 16th, 2025 thru Friday, July 25th, 2025
- Period 1: 7:30am-9:45am
- Period 2: 9:50am-12:05pm
- Summer school is an optional opportunity for any grade 9-12 enrolled in the School District of Marshfield.
- For blended/online courses, students will need reliable internet to participate in the online courses.
. Materials:
- The majority of classes will only require the use of an iPad or computer for the online component.
- Students will receive (or keep) their school-issued iPad to use during the summer school months.
Attendance Policy
Students enrolled in summer school classes are expected to attend all regularly scheduled classes.
- Teachers should be notified in writing by the parent (s) or guardian of the reason for any absence.
- Students are expected to make up any classroom work/assignments.
- Students enrolled in classes will not be granted high school credit if more than five absences are recorded regardless of the reason!
Note: Five recorded tardies equal one entire absence. Any tardy in excess of 15 minutes will also be counted as one absence towards the (5) day maximum.
To obtain the ½ credit, each course will fulfill the DPI requirement of 4,050 minutes of instruction and learning opportunities.
Students/families should plan for an average of 135 minutes of learning opportunities per day, for each ½ credit course.
If you are unable to attend summer school after you have registered, please notify Mrs. Guden in the main office (715-387-8464 ext 4602) before summer school begins.
Report Cards and Grades
Grading:- Normal grading procedures will apply. Students will be graded on an A/B/C/D/F/I scale.
- For credited courses, grades will impact a student’s G.P.A.
- Grades will be entered on Skyward so students and families can monitor student progress throughout the duration of summer school.
Summer school classes do not count toward credit minimums for the academic year at Marshfield High School. There is no summer honor roll.
Report Cards:
Report cards will be mailed to all summer school students as soon as possible after summer school has been completed. Summer school grades will be immediately updated to one’s cumulative GPA. However, class rank will not be reflected on one’s transcript until the next rank is run in late August.
Registration for Summer School Tutorial
Jamie Defelice, Assistant Principal
715-387-8464 X4611