Upcoming Community Activities & Events

  • Get Active at the YMCA - The YMCA offers opportunities for everyone to be active (www.mfldymca.org).

    Marshfield Park and Recreation - The Marshfield Park and Recreation website offers a list of available fitness opportunities including but not limited to:

    • Pickleball: An easy-to-learn sport for people of all ages and abilities.
    • Open Gym and Swim at Marshfield High School on Mondays and Wednesdays (page 6 of brochure)
    • Ice Skating: Enjoy indoor ice skating at the Marshfield Youth Ice & Recreation Center and free outdoor ice-skating at Pickle Pond
    • Racquetball, tennis, basketball, volleyball, martial arts, aquatics and so much more!


Community Collaboration

  • Healthy Lifestyle Marshfield Area Coalition -  Healthy Lifestyles-Marshfield Area Coalition is a grassroots movement working to address healthy eating and active living in and around Marshfield, Wisconsin. 

    Get Active Wood County - "Get Active" is a movement to change our community- a change that challenges us to work together to build a healthier community where we live, learn, work and play.  www.getactivewoodcounty.org

    Marshfield Area Farmer's Markets


Wellness Committee

  • The School Wellness Committee meets the first Monday of every month from 3:30-4:30pm. Please email Melanie Hanneman at hannemanm@marshfieldschools.org for a link to the next meeting.

    Because of a hectic back to school time, the next committee meeting is Monday September 19th, 2022. Location TBD

School Wellness Resources

Classroom Resources