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District Prevention and Education regarding Mental Health
The School District of Marshfield Board of Education recognizes the need for strong education and supports related to student mental health. As the educational institution of the community, the school strives to build connections with students and foster resiliency skills. The School District of Marshfield has a robust continuum of interventions, services, and community partners to support student mental health.
At all grade levels, prevention and intervention efforts are in place to promote positive mental health.
Elementary Topics include:
Empathy Skills, Emotion Management, Mindfulness, Problem-solving, Healthy Relationships, and Safety.
Middle School Topics include:
Emotional Regulation, Distress Tolerance, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Mindfulness, Coping Skills, Decision Making, Sleep Hygiene, Various Mental Health Subjects, Suicide Prevention, Mental Health Trends, and Resources to Get Help
High School Topics include:
Emotional Regulation, Distress Tolerance, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Mindfulness, Coping Skills, Decision Making, Sleep Hygiene, Various Mental Health Subjects, Suicide Prevention, Mental Health Trends, and Resources to Get Help
School Counseling Services - individual and group education and support
PBIS (Positive Behaviors Support and Interventions)
ACP (Academic and Career Planning)
MCLA (Marshfield Columbus Leadership Alliance) - High School
Targeted Behavioral Supports
Marshfield School Based Mental Health Consortium (additional information provided on this site)
Referrals to community resources

Degrees and Certifications:
Mental Health Navigator/Coordinator Contact Information
Joanne Greenlee, LCSW, MSW
District Mental Health Navigator/Coordinator
Office Phone: 715-387-1249 ext. 3313
Cell Phone: 715-305-5659
The Mental Health Navigator/Coordinator ensures proactive programming within the district as well as managing the Marshfield School Based Mental Health Consortium and evaluating mental health data.