• Welcome to the Marshfield Virtual Program!

    The School District of Marshfield has partnered with the Rural Virtual Academy to provide students (4K-12) in the District a customized virtual learning opportunity. This customized education is free for families who want to take advantage of virtual learning. The Marshfield RVA provides families and students the resources they need for a strong academic foundation with the flexibility to learn on their own schedule and own pace. With the newly formed partnership, students enrolled in the Marshfield RVA are able to join and participate in local sports teams or clubs while receiving an education that best suits each student’s needs. Students graduating from the Marshfield RVA will receive a Marshfield RVA diploma. If you want more information on the Marshfield RVA, please contact Angela DelaCruz at the District Office at 715-387-1101 ext 1126.

    To enroll, please call 888-801-2666 or visit www.RuralVirtual.org.